Saturday, December 09, 2006

Seven Different Kinds of Smoke

After leaving the ruins in Copan, Honduras I headed to the Bay Islands of Honduras to meet my hippi posse from Lago de Atitlan. The first three days there was nothing but monsoon like rain, I had food poisoning, there wasn't a good vibe at my hostel and I had lost my mojo. But after another concert from Suzy (Dark Fern); a spontaneous meditation session in the middle of a restaurant with Pieter, Suzy, and Joel; and after a 38 hour flight from South Africa Pieter's Sister, Carla, arrived with good weather and brought back my mojo. Then to top it off we went scuba diving with a Will Farrel look alike (actually that night Will Farrel look alike had to do a beer bong through a snorkel for his initiation as a Dive Master and the whole place was chanting Frank the Tank.....I don't know who started the chant, but it might have been me).

A week of Utila was enough so Pieter, Carla and I headed for Nicaragua. However, we had to stay the night in the capital of Honduras for one night. We watched the movie: Me, You and Dupree. Which is actually a terrible movie, but it was worth it because I picked up the phrases "you caught me on a day where I'm throwing seven different kinds of smoke" and "I'm Liquid". And since then the three of us have been throwing atleast seven, maybe eight, different types of smoke.

Leon, Nicaragua
Smoke #1 - We arrived in Leon at five Saturday night and the first person we saw was our german friend Frank from the meditation center. He was with a group of Australians that fell in love with Pieter imediately.

Smoke #2 - While Pieter was occupied Carla and I decided to check out the local discotec where she proved to be the best wingwoman in the western hemisphere. There was an oasis of beautiful university students having a private birthday party in the corner and carla managed to get us an invitation.
Smoke #3 - The next day, Sunday, we went Volcano Boarding! Enough said.

Smoke #4 - Monday I called my future Nicaraguan wife, Ingrid, that I had met at the birthday party. Ingrid and her friends had just finished studying and needed a break. I went over and slowly began to work my way into their hearts.

Smoke #5 - I returned to the hostel where Frank and Pieter had decided it was a good idea to go to a casino. I said "I'm in" and at the casino I met a dentist, Dr. Bayardo, and his girlfriend from Leon. They invited me to live in their house for free if I would help pay for food. So I went back to their place to check it out and spent the night in what may be my future room for the next month.

Smoke #6 - Tuesday Ingrid and her friends finished their final exams and so we all went to the beach for a big party for the economista students. We ended up staying at the beach too long and missed all the buses back to Leon. So, completely against my will, I was forced to stay at the beach with them.

Smoke #7 - Wednesday Pieter and Carla left for Isla de Ometepe, but I had to stay for my dinner date with Ingrid where we discussed the names of our future children. Just joking...I left the next day.

Smoke #8 (Is that even possible. Anyways it doesn't matter because its private)

Now I'm in Isla de Ometepe where we hiked to the waterfalls. Afterwards Pieter thought it would be a good idea to bike around the island even though we only had an hour of sunlight left. Sure enough we got a phone call from Pieter two hours after dark saying he had crashed his bike and there were no buses or taxis back to our hostel. Instead he rode on the back of a motorbike holding on with one hand, while carrying his bike on his back with the other.

Stay Liquid,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost you. Please put on your red and whıte sweater. That'll make thıngs easıer.