Friday, June 01, 2007

The Corruption of Ingrid

Corrupting Ingrid....
The sweet innocent girl that I met last december in Nicaragua is no more. In order to celebrate our last week in Sucre we toasted with a shot of Absynth (Ill have you know that it was Ingrids idea). Not only does it taste like nail polish remover, but I definitely didnt have any hallucinations. my spanish teacher had us try something more bolivian: creme de mint mixed with beer. Its like a Bolivian Saint Patricks day drink gone bad.
Potosi and the Mines of Cerro Rico
Ingrid and I said goodbye to Sucre and headed off to the mines of Potosi. Little did I know that our guide was going to give Ingrid her first eyeful of a half naked man. (still trying to figure out how the speedo is appropriate for the mines)
Next we all tried the 190 proof alcohol (95%) that the miners drink on Fridays before the weekends. Ingrid didnt seem to think it went down so smooth.
Next thing I know I look over and Ingrid is busy chewing on Coco leaves (same leaves that cocaine is made from). Give the girl one shot of Absynth and all the sudden she is a drug addict.
About to enter the mine. Also referred to as the "Devils Mouth".

Offering Coco leaves to the Devil of the Mine in order to protect us from a cave in or a poorly placed dynamite blast. And more importantly Im trying to cut down ingrids habit.
One of the boys who works in the mines. The average miner only has a lifespan between 35 and 45. Which means the oldest son is often made to work in the mines at age 14 or younger in order to support the family after the father has passed away.
Headed down into the third level of the mines.
Booze and drugs will affect anyones decision making process. Exemplified by Ingrid holding a stick of lit dynamite that is wrapped in a bag of Nitroglycerin in order to make the explosion stronger. (I guess I cant really talk seeing I was only 5 feet away taking the picture.)
3rd Time in La Paz
After exposing ourselves to Absynth, some green colored conconction, 95% rubbing alcohol, Coca leaves, toxic mine gases, dynamite explosions, and leaving the next day for the most dangerous road in the world....we thought it might be a good idea to have our futures read.It was very insightful. The Coca leaves indicated that my job, lovelife, health, happiness, etc... would all be: Fine. However, the tarot cards were a bit more specific for Ingrid. They indicated that her health, lovelife, job and happiness would all.... also be fine. All in all money well spent.
Next day I took off to mountain bike down the most dangerous road in the world. The road starts at 4800 meters and winds down a thin gravel road with a kilometers death drop to the side and ends at 1100 meters of altitude. But I had had my coco leaves read and I knew everything would be: Fine. What the coca leaves didnt indicate was that I would have the worst case of diarrhea Ive had yet and would be absolutely miserable for the whole trip. This is the only picture where I have some sort of smile on my face.

Copacabana, Lago Titicaca, and Isla del SolAfter corrupting ourselves with so many vices we decided to head to copacabana and the isla del sol in order to purify ourselves. I chose a priest who is a decendent of the Incas in order to purify my soul.
Ingrid, feeling truly amoral, decided to take the Incan route to purification through human sacrifice.
However, despite her best intentions the sacerdotes found out (to my surprise) that she wasnt a virgin and they refused to sacrifice her.

...apparently they also tipped off the Peruvian authorities (who have a very strict policy on abstinence) and we werent allowed to enter Peru.
After our attempts at Purification, spiritual elevation, and entering peru had failed; we headed to Coroico to celebrate nature and the physical world. We spent our last three nights enjoying the tropical weather, pool, sauna, and a hooka with our last dinner.
But Ingrid has now returned to Nicaragua and I must walk alone. In Cuzco at the moment. I leave tomorrow for a five day hike to Machu Picchu.

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